
The objects of the Society shall be for advancement of education in ophthalmology through: –

  1. Engaging, advancing and facilitating education, charitable activities, research (the findings of research would be disseminated for public benefit), study, and academic exchanges of knowledge relevant to myopia in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond.
  2. Promoting and encouraging educational collaboration and interaction among organizations, medical institutions and other medical educational bodies in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond in the medical research and study of myopia for alleviating its prevalence by infusing the communities in Hong Kong and other regions in the Asia-Pacific with the most updated clinical knowledge, skills and technique and the most recent medical technological advancements and controversies in various myopia-associated diseases for the benefit of the public.
  3. Promoting and spreading knowledge of myopia and related issues among the public through giving or arranging for the delivery and holding of lectures, exhibitions, classes, free eye-screening services and conferences.
  4. Fostering and undertaking research and study into any respect of myopia and to disseminate the results of such research and study to the public.
  5. Undertaking charitable work of all kinds and descriptions compatible with the objects of the Society for the benefit of the public at large in the area of myopia and related issues.